I sleepily rolled over and opened my eyes to the unexpected sound of laughter. I had seen my husband off to work a couple of hours before and had laid back down for a few more winks, as I was feeling unusually tired, so I knew the laughter was not coming from inside the house, but I did not know who it could be, so I curiously peeped under a curtain to see.
Outside I spotted several ladies with hoes in hand talking and laughing as they busily weeded the surrounding yard. I recognized them as the ladies our landlord had hired to do landscaping. As I turned away, my curiosity appeased, I paused a moment. How often do I laugh while I am out hoeing weeds? Either literal or figurative ones?
When we encounter spiritual weeds (sin) in our lives, do we find pleasure in the hoeing out process? I know from experience that I often do not submit to this weeding without some measure of discomfort to say the least, and when I feel twinges of pain I am not in the habit of laughing. Not to mention that hoeing can be back breaking, arm wearing work which leaves me tempted to complain. No, rejoicing at removing weeds is hardly my natural response.
Yet, here in these ladies I saw an example of what I should be. Of how I should rejoice when God reveals the weeds in my heart and prods me to remove them. How the twinges of pain should be reason for a triumphant smile as it signifies His work in me and the removal of that which is unholy in the process of making me more like Him.
Yet, here in these ladies I saw an example of what I should be. Of how I should rejoice when God reveals the weeds in my heart and prods me to remove them. How the twinges of pain should be reason for a triumphant smile as it signifies His work in me and the removal of that which is unholy in the process of making me more like Him.
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